Copertina ebook ECM Mastering Scientific and Medical Writing

Mastering Scientific and Medical Writing

a self help guide

di Silvia M. Rogers | Springer Healthcare Italia
€ 39 + iva | 10 crediti ECM
4.4 (49 valutazioni)

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Mastering Scientific and Medical Writing

a self help guide

di Silvia M. Rogers | Springer Healthcare Italia
€ 39 + iva | 10 crediti ECM
4.4 (49 valutazioni)


durata Durata:
10 ore formative
validita Scadenza:
obiettivo Obiettivo formativo:
Argomenti di carattere generale: sanità digitale, informatica di livello avanzato e lingua inglese scientifica. Normativa in materia sanitaria: i principi etici e civili del S.S.N. e normativa su materie oggetto delle singole professioni sanitarie, con acquisizione di nozioni di sistema
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tutte le professioni
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Valutazione media di 49 utenti che hanno già letto l’ebook


The main purpose of scientific writing is to record data. Without a written record of our findings, there is no proof that we have done the research, and precious information may be lost. Many experiments may have to be repeated, simply because there is no record of the data. Needless to say, this negligence adversely impacts on the efficiency of sharing scientific knowledge. One of the main challenges of scientific writing is to pack vast and complex information into clear and well-structured texts. It is a skill that requires not only knowledge of the scientific field but also practice in writing. Uncertainties about the required style and format of scientific papers may delay publication of important new findings. We must bear in mind that scientific writing differs substantially from literary writing. While literary writing is an art based on principles of personal style, fiction, and originality, good scientific writing is a craft that builds on clear communication of scientifically researched facts. Good scientific writing hinges on the ability to express complicated concepts in clear words, thus pointing out the beauty of science without unnecessary decoration. Although we would all agree that the beauty of science is in the science itself , not in the language used to describe it, we have to accept that a confusing account of our findings will not do justice to the science that lies behind it. What can we, as writers, do to ensure that our scientifi c message reaches the intended target population? Good scientific writing is understandable, transparent, clear, credible, efficient and simple.
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Dettagli del corso su ebook

autore Autore:
Silvia M. Rogers
responsabile Responsabile scientifico:
Silvia M. Rogers
editore Editore:
Springer Healthcare Italia
n-pagine N° pagine:
isbn Anno pubblicazione:
isbn ISBN:

Cosa imparerai:

Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali
Fornire basi tecnico-professionali sul medical writing per finalità di sviluppo professionale, convegnistica, pubblicazioni e ricerca

Acquisizione competenze di processo
Fornire competenze di processo sul medical writing per finalità di sviluppo professionale, convegnistica, pubblicazioni e ricerca

Acquisizione competenze di sistema
Fornire competenze di sistema sul ruolo del medical writing per finalità di sviluppo professionale, convegnistica, pubblicazioni e ricerca


1 Introduction
2 Good Versus Poor Scientifi c Writing: An Orientation
3 Words and Units: Orthography and Punctuation
5 Putting It Nicely: Style
6 Redundancy and Jargon: Focusing on the Essentials
7 Quoting Published Material: Reference Formats
8 Ethics of Scientifi c Writing: Avoiding Discrimination
9 Sticking to Your Word: Avoiding Plagiarism
10 Structuring Scientifi c Texts: Getting the “Story” out
11 Appendix
12 Exercises
13 Solutions to Exercises

Conosci l'autore

Silvia M. Rogers

BSc hons., PhD, is the founder and owner of MEDIWRITE, a successful small company in Basel, Switzerland. She trained at the University of Liverpool, UK, in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics headed by Professor Sir Alasdair Breckenridge. Before forming MEDIWRITE in 1994, she gained extensive experience in key areas of pharmaceutical research, including project management in a major pharmaceutical company. She is an active member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) and the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA). She lectures on scientific writing at the University of Basel and has provided extensive training in various aspects of medical and scientific writing and presentation. She has written numerous expert reports, regulatory documents, scientific publications, and study reports for clients.

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Mastering Scientific and Medical Writing
4.4 (49 valutazioni)
€ 39 + iva
4.4 (49)
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